Return of Autism Dad: Rise of Unicorn Girl

Unicorn Girl

May 16, 2019… This was the last time I wrote in this blog. My plan was to write weekly or when something interesting happened. I lost track of time and plenty interesting has happened since. I have come to a point where I need to write something. It’s not about people reading, but writing it is my way to process changes.

Now for a little update on my little family. My Haven, who is the main subject of this blog is now 7. She will turn 8 in December. She is getting so big. I started to realize an issue I didn’t think would ever be an issue the other day. We were at the store and haven was Having a little bit of an outburst over a toy or candy or something. I noticed more people were looking judgmentally at me.

I stopped to think for a minute and realized Haven was no longer my little toddler that needed a little more support. She stood out a lot more in public and attracted a lot more stares. I found myself, following my wife’s lead which is usually best for me, and explaining to random people about how she has autism. This would usually stop the stares.

This started to become more of a frequent conversation with people. One day we had some friends over and they said hi to Haven, but Haven was off in her own little world and didn’t acknowledge them. My little four year old, Everly saw this and told our friends. “Haven has autism, that’s why she doesn’t talk.” She said this in the cutest little voice that you can imagine.

These friends told us how cute it was then my wife preceded to tell them how Everly had been telling everyone she saw the exact same thing. She explained they were on the playground earlier and some kids were shooting Haven the look. You know the look little kids give a child they don’t understand, the “what is wrong with you” look. Everly marched over to those kids and told them. “My sister has autism, she can’t talk, but she can play.” Everly then proceeded to play with Haven.

I realized in that moment my little superhero had gained her greatest sidekick. A little unicorn loving girly girl who had her back. This little four year old wasn’t going to let her big sister feel like an outcast. She observed how mom and dad handle the situation and took action. She was and still is one of Haven’s biggest little advocates. She is there for her a lot of places I can’t be.

Sure these sisters fight now and again. I mean they are siblings, and which siblings don’t. I was so proud of my little kid who didn’t ask to have a sister with Autism. She doesn’t know any different, but has the natural instinct to love and protect her older sister. It’s always wonderful to see them play, but I will always remember the day when Haven gained the newest and youngest sidekick, Unicorn Girl.